It has been another amazing two weeks of sport and I have been lucky enough to go along to see some the athletics in the Olympic Park.
I found the whole event inspiring. From the incredible organisation to get so many people to and from Stratford safely, quickly and easily; the volunteers who were full of so much cheer; the amazing buildings themselves regenerating an area; to the incredible athletes many of whom had overcome life-changing events or illness, finding themselves being cheered on by an 80,000 strong crowd.
The energy was electric - the nearer we got to Stratfordt he more people you could see holding their countries' flags and eagerly awaiting the night's competition ahead of them. I don’t think they were disappointed.
Life doesn’t always go the way we plan or expect. It can deliver people some unfair blows but seeing what some people have done to respond to that is incredible. The commentators spoke to some athletes who said that if they had the chance to have their legs back they would choose not to because life has been so enhanced for them now. It reminds me that sometimes we can look at people and think “poor them” when actually we are the ones who are poor for judging others.
Life is ours for living! It always amazes me just what we can achieve if we go for it. We can choose to change our perspective on life and see just how wonderful it really can be.
Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP can help you to achieve your goals and become the person you want to be.
Thank you to the Olympics and the Paralympics and to everyone who was involved in them for an amazing summer. It is one I will never forget and I hope the pride and Olympic buzz stays in the area for a long time to come.
By Erika Keat
Erika offers Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP at Waterloo Therapy Rooms on Wednesdays all day, please contact Erika for more information.
© EKTherapies
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