Thursday, 9 February 2012

What is Health Kinesiology all about?

When I started my Health Kinesiology (HK) therapy studies I did not quite understand what Health Kinesiology was all about, or how it worked. All I knew was it originated from principles developed from Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology (used by chiropractors, osteopaths etc.). What an experience this has been for me!

Health Kinesiology is a bit like Acupuncture, but without needles. I must be honest that even this description does not get to the “core” of what HK is all about. HK is a lot more. Being a holistic therapy, it covers all aspects of a person: Body–Mind-Spirit. Acupuncture seems quite dull in comparison….

The body has 14 main meridians, each linked to a muscle as well as an organ. If any of these become blocked through stress, emotions or other factors, they do not function optimally, which in turn affects the related organs and/or muscles. This then causes imbalances in the body, which can ultimately result in symptoms.

Health Kinesiology is a combination of the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the modern technique of muscle testing. The goal of a Health Kinesiology session is about accessing your body’s inner wisdom to establish what you need to restore balance in your BioEnergy system. The muscle testing indicates which meridians are affected (blocked or out of balance), and various procedures and corrections are then used to achieve this re-balancing, which then allows the body to heal itself. 

The procedures and corrections can involve thoughts, feelings, magnets, vials, essences or anything else for that matter. Everything is checked and confirmed through muscle testing, due to the fact that I cannot continue until the correction is completed.
This is why I love working with HK. As my tutor always said: There is always a way with HK: Seeing we are re-balancing the body I don’t think there is anything for which one cannot use HK.

My clients always seem amazed by what comes up for them, and how “I can be so accurate, and know that?” It is not me “knowing that”. It is their body giving me that information. I have had a few tears, and a few unusual reactions on my couch, but I always say: “That is a good sign.” If they don’t feel anything, also ok. It does not mean nothing is happening.

I do also combine various therapies, depending on what comes up for clients, and seeing everybody is different, that results in individual "tailor-made" sessions. People come to me with all sorts of things be it goals they wish to achieve, emotional issues they want to get to grips with, or physical symptoms they are struggling with - you have nothing to lose by giving it a go...

Well, that is a brief summary of what HK is all about. Have a look at my website, and if you are feeling brave to try something new and different, give me a call.

By Walter Black

Walter offers Health Kinesiology and Integrated Touch for Health, as well as Reiki at Waterloo Therapy Rooms on Thursday between 3pm - 9pm. He still needs to still complete his EFT case studies in case anyone is interested. Please visit for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Very interesting to learn more about it. Looking forward to reading your next one.
