Monday, 27 August 2012

Could Laughter be the Key to Happiness?

Laughter is infectious; we all know the amazing feeling of losing yourself in the energy of laughter. But could laughter be the key to happiness? People have started to harness this and create laughter workshops, where you go to laugh, even if it starts out as a forced laugh, the endorphins and benefits still affect your body and mood.

Research has shown the health benefits of laughter are far-reaching, studies have shown that laughter can help pain relief through the releasing of endorphins, increase the immune system, decrease stress, change the “negative” chemicals in the mind, ease conflict, lighten burdens, inspire hope, connect you to others and generally just make you feel better, more energetic and happier, bringing your body and mind back into balance.

“Your sense of humour is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.

This may all seem a bit far-fetched, can laughing really help you to feel better ? We know the benefits of exercise and how that helps us to reduce stress hormones. It helps our bodies to feel more energetic, it clears our minds and allows us to have clear focus again. So can laughter do the same thing? If we build laughter into our day just as we do with exercise we can increase our happiness. Laughter is an incredibly strong medicine for mind and body – it is free, convenient and beneficial in so many ways.

So how do you get more laughter in your life?

We can find laughter in so many ways, maybe for you it is laughing at films or the TV, laughing with friends, comedy clubs, funny clips on line, joining a laughter workshop, the list is endless. Or if all else fails you could just fake it. Just smile and start to laugh – as with listening to a song and how it change your mood, so can laughter. Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP can also help. This combination can help you to look at the world with a different perspective, to see the funny side in life. It is too easy to allow life to feel like a weight on our shoulders, but you can learn the tools to see life in a different way. To allow yourself the freedom to let go and just laugh and enjoy the world for what it is.

Try it now - smile, laugh or giggle and feel better about your day.

By Erika Keat

Erika offers Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP at Waterloo Therapy Rooms on Wednesdays all day, please contact Erika for more information. 

© EKTherapies

Thursday, 23 August 2012

New Counsellor @ Waterloo Therapy Rooms

Jonny Sibbring Counselling is proud to announce it will be joining Waterloo Therapy Rooms from September 2012. Sessions will run weekly on Tuesdays from 7am til 2pm.

Jonny Sibbring is a fully qualified counsellor and member of the UK’s largest professional body for Counselling and Psychotherapy. He offers face to face appointments, as well as other sessions via Skype.

He aims to help people make a real difference in their lives. His does this by creating a safe and supportive environment where people are free to talk about the issues that concern them the most. His approach is calm, caring and above all honest. Jonny is here to help clients make positive changes in their life.

He offers –

  • A wealth of experience working with a range of issues
  • A friendly and professional approach
  • Flexibility with appointments

Here are some of the issues he has experience working with….Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, LGBT issues, work and exam related stress.

for more information please go to

follow Jonny on Twitter @counsellorskype

Written by Jonny Sibbring

Counsellor at Waterloo Therapy Rooms

Monday, 13 August 2012

Bye, Bye Olympics

It is the end of two amazing weeks; not only did Great Britain finish third on the medal table we also managed to host an amazing event that will be remembered for years to come, for all the right reasons. It has been wonderful to see all the countries supporting their teams with such pride and passion.

It has been inspiring to watch the athletes pushing themselves to their limits and achieving amazing things. It has also helped me to realise that we don’t have to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. So many of us are striving to be “perfect,” but what is perfection? I watched in awe these athletes who spent their whole life dedicated to one sport and have been focusing on the Olympics for the last four years or sometimes longer, yet they still make “mistakes.” It makes me realise that we can forgive ourselves; we can do the best we can do and be happy with that. We can learn from our mistakes and grow. If we let go of the fear of failure and trust in ourselves and our ability we can achieve the most incredible things.

We are all always growing and striving to be better versions of ourselves, the day we stop doing that is the day we stop learning.

I hope the wonderful energy of the Olympics stays with us for a long time, helping us to unite and to realise that we can achieve anything we put our hearts to.

Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP can help you to have that same pride and self-worth, helping you to achieve your goals in a positive and focused way.

Personally I feel very proud to be British and to have been privileged enough to live in the host city of the London 2012 Olympics, I have some wonderful memories that will stay with me for a long time. I hope you do too and that the buzz and energy of the Olympics stays with you.

Looking forward to the start of the Paralympics, and watching more amazing, awe inspiring things.

By Erika Keat

Erika offers Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP at Waterloo Therapy Rooms on Wednesdays all day, please contact Erika for more information.      

© EKTherapies

Monday, 6 August 2012

What is Fight or Flight Response?

Fight or flight is a natural healthy response within our body to a perceived threat or danger. Thousands of years ago we led very different lives, much more physically challenging and dangerous lives. We didn’t have sharp claws or teeth to protect us from the world around us, and we had to be able to react very quickly to threats around us. In those days there were two simple choices, we could either fight or we could run (flight).

The fight or flight response is one of the most important parts of our make-up and a highly efficient survival response for dangerous times. When we are in fight or flight mode hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released; these speed up the heart rate, slow down digestion, and shift the blood flow to major muscle groups, giving the body a burst of energy and strength so we can react to the situation at hand. In the times of cavemen the threats were simple and straight forward - a wild animal or a member from an enemy tribe for example - these were very serious and dangerous threats requiring a quick reaction.

Nowadays we still have our fight or flight response; the dangerous situations have changed, but the biggest difference is that we now don’t always release that pent up stress.

Our bodies are built to deal with short times of heightened awareness and stress, it is a vital part of our survival, but the problem comes when we continue to keep our bodies in the heightened state, the stress state.

Our body/mind can’t differentiate between a real threat and a perceived threat. You can get the same chemical reactions just by thinking about a stressful situation, for example, a bill needing to be paid,  going over a situation you experienced – reliving it in your mind, or worrying about an upcoming situation; then when it happens it was so much better/easier than you thought, but all that energy you spent worrying about it has had a harmful effect on your body.

Our body tries to re balance but the hormones are still flying around; gradually they begin to have a permanent effect on our health, long-term health problems start to develop.

The wonderful thing is that you can control this; you can learn what your stressors are and how you can de-stress yourself. A hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP session can help you by working out a range of mechanisms with Erika which will equip you to deal with stress better for the rest of your life.

By Erika Keat

Erika offers Hypnotherapy, CBT & NLP at Waterloo Therapy Rooms on Wednesdays all day, please contact Erika for more information.     

© EKTherapies